
Leverage the Power of In-Market Consumer Data & Conversational AI

Increase Your Revenue & Profits

360SmartData Web ID

360SmartData Web ID

Identify anonymous visitors to your website, generating fresh lead lists that feed into your CRM for the sales team. We ID up to 50% of your website visitors, even if they don't fill out a contact form, call, or book an appointment. Since on average 97% of first-time site visitors bounce without taking ANY action....this is a huge opportunity to connect with a Consumer who likely has clicked on one of your ads, connected on Social or found you in search. With 360SmartData Web ID, you'll connect with many more consumers who have already shown an interest in your business! Click to learn about our 15 Day free trial… receive up 500 leads at no cost!

Email on Autopilot

Email on Autopilot

Our automated email marketing program sends an email within minutes of a prospect visiting your site, ensuring you connect when they are actively interested in your products & services. Allows you to quickly grow an email marketing database of interested prospects.

Custom Audience Targeting

Custom Audience Targeting

Leverage the Data for Better Target Marketing - the Web ID and Prospect Lead List data can be provided to create highly targeted custom audience campaigns via Google, Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn, Hulu and more. This strategy produces a much better Return on Your Existing Ad Spend, as the data allows you to target a higher quality “ready-to-buy" prospect.

Adding AI Voice & Chat Agents to Your Existing CRM

Adding AI Voice & Chat Agents to Your Existing CRM

If you have an existing CRM and process for Lead Flow Management, we can connect our AI Voice & Chat Agents, who will respond to leads and set appointments for your sales team.

AI Rapid Response

AI Rapid Response

Depending on your staffing...and to make sure all prospects are helped promptly, you may want to use our Automated AI Agents to instantly connect with every inbound call, text or email. This service can be turned on 24/7 or just used for after-hours inquiries. You probably know the stats.... approximately 65% of the sales go to the business that responds first to inbound leads. We can be your first line of defense...including overnight when you and the sales team are asleep!

AI Cold List Reactivation

AI Cold List Reactivation

Give us your cold prospect list and we'll put our AI Agents to work reactivating them, setting appointments for your sales team. We know many consumers ask for an initial quote...but end up never pulling the trigger and buying from you or your competition. This gives you another shot at converting them and a chance to cash in all of those leads you generated in 2023....an asset you already paid good money for with your ads.

You likely have something in place, but if not, we can funnel all of your leads through a new CRM and marketing automation process we set up for you. We make sure all prospects are followed up promptly and if needed, nurtured via Voice, Chat, and email. We sync with your booking calendars, and your sales team will love seeing new appointments pop up on their schedule. Of course, you have full access to the CRM to monitor the progress of the AI Agents and your team as they work the fresh leads.
of sales go to those who respond first to inbound consumer inquiries! Don’t let your competition get to them first!
0 %
of website visitors bounce from a site on their first visit, without taking action or leaving behind their contact info.
0 %

Click to listen to a sample of our Cold Lead List Reactivation Agent in action


Get a Better Return on Your Existing Advertising, Social, Website, & SEO Investment

ROI Calculators

Adjust white boxes with current website and lead conversion data to view future ROI with 360SmartData

Prospect Web ID

Monthly Website Visitors
% Leads Captured*
Total Leads/Contact Info
% Leads Converted
Total New Customers
Avg. Revenue/Customer
TOTAL REVENUE*Average site lead capture percentage is 3–5%.
  360SmartData lead capture percentage is 30–50%.

Cold Lead List Reactivation

Total Prospects on the List
% Response Rate
Total Booked Sales Appts.
% Converted into Sales
Total New Customers
Avg. Revenue/Customer

Investment Options

Packages start at $499/mo. based on the total number of leads you want.

360SmartData Web ID

STARTING AT $499/MONTH WITH FREE 15-DAY TRIAL 15-Day trial includes up to 250 leads with 40 data points at no charge. If satisfied with quality of leads, set your monthly lead budget - terms are month to month, cancel at anytime.

Web ID + Email Marketing

STARTING AT $750/MONTH WITH FREE 15-DAY TRIAL Includes everything in 360SmartData Web ID, plus we manage your email marketing drip sequence, reaching out to new site visitors and your growing email database multiple times.

Cold Lead List Reactivation Pay for Performance

After a 1x $500 set up fee to program your AI Voice & Chat Agents, you pay only when we deliver booked appointments for your sales team. Cold Prospects are contacted multiple times via Voice, Chat and Email. Cold Lead list file provided by client in CSV format.

AI Agents Voice & Chat + Marketing Automation

$499 MONTH Includes two AI Agents (inbound & outbound), Landing Page, sequenced Voice, Chat, email marketing outreach. If purchased with Web ID program, program is $399/mo. Plus data fee of .25 per minute for actual talk/chat time.

B2B Options

Reach, Nurture & Convert More Business Decision Makers with 360SmartData

360SmartData Web ID

360SmartData Web ID

We ID up to 50% of anonymous website visitors and flow the data into your CRM. Up to 40 data points are captured, including name, job title, company, employee count, and revenue. Includes Remote Workers. Click here to learn about our Free 15-day trial.

In Market Lead Lists

In Market Lead Lists

We help you build a prospect list of potential customers who are shopping for what you have to offer even though they haven’t been to your site yet. Prospect lists are built based on Buying Intent, including the keywords they are searching, sites shopped, social activity, and ads they’ve clicked on. Bonus benefit is Customer Retention – not only do we monitor prospective buyers, but we can also detect if a current client is beginning to shop for a new provider.

Email Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation

For those without a CRM or email service, we manage your email marketing drip sequence, reaching out to new site visitors within minutes, as well as the in-market lead lists. Your email prospect database will grow daily as we ID more site visitors and as new In-Market prospects begin to shop for your products & services. Includes monthly marketing email to your entire list.

AI Voice & Chat Agents with Marketing Automation

AI Voice & Chat Agents with Marketing Automation

Beyond email, our AI Agents can follow up on every lead for you. Choose from over 85 different human voice styles. Agents can be integrated with your existing CRM…or we can set up a turnkey program for you.

AI Cold List Reactivation

AI Cold List Reactivation

Sitting on a list of stale leads that didn’t convert? Let our AI Agents reach out on autopilot, booking appointments for your sales team. You paid good money for those leads initially…now is the time to finally cash in! Ask about our Performance based pricing….where you only pay based on number of appointments booked.


The Team at 360SmartData is composed of Agency Veterans, Ai Experts and Data Scientists with a collective 100 years experience in the industry.

After years of providing marketing solutions that drove tons of traffic for our clients, we realized there was real need to help Business Owners better convert the new prospects we were sending them.

Leveraging the best in Artificial Intelligence and Prospect Sourcing and Management, we’re ready to help our clients make the most of their advertising investment, growing revenue & profits in the process!

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